Sep 2007

Chapter 26A Dark Place

We got back to the street and started walking. Valerie didn't say a word but simply waited for me to follow. I had a feeling it was important to her., yet no clue as to what it was. We just walked and walked, into parts of the city I rarely think of.

It was a richer neighborhood here. Probably not the richest in town but the low houses and front-yards did give me the impression people earned a little more here. At this time of the evening no one was outside, but most of the houses had people watching TV or such.

We continued to walk until I saw a small church at the end of the street and we were heading towards it. Valerie hadn't said a word during our journey and I didn't want to disturb her.

She then surprised me.

As we were standing in front of the gate of the small Church, closed of course, she softly held my hand and nodded to me.

We jumped over the gate together, still holding each others hand. It felt strange, it was as if the strong, playful Valerie needed comfort being here.

We didn't walk into the church but past it, through a lovely garden filled with numerous herbs and flowers. It smelled lovely. I made a mental note to come here again some time. If I had time and wasn't being chased by crazy people, like most nights seemed to be now.

Behind the church it seemed there was a cemetery. With only the moon to light it the dark tombstones looked their best. Guessing they were meant to be gloomy.

Valerie still held my hand, walking slowly and hesitantly as if she didn't dare come here. I wondered who was buried here until she stopped.

We stood next to a wide tombstone. It was a stone of light marble, with simple elegant lettering stating the names and the shape of a rose etched into the stone.

I was torn between asking Valerie what it meant and leaving her in peace when she opened her mouth to speak. Her voice soft and filled with tears from long past.

"They were my parents."

I let the words sink in and noticed the year they died, 15 years ago. It was when she was turned.

The thirst...

Valerie nodded to my unspoken question. "Yes... I... I came home, looking for safety, trying to flee my nightmare."

She cried.

It surprised me, we didn't really sweat or anything. And I noticed her tears had a pink tint to them. Blood? They weren't pure blood, but they were definitely not clear.

"I took them... T-the... Animal in me did." She stuttered. "B-but it was clean. T-they never thought i-it was a m-monster."

Tears streaming over her face. I squeezed her hand and moved in front of her, between her and the tombstone.

"You're not a monster. You felt guilt, you changed." I tried to smile bravely. "You may have done monstrous things, but you have a good heart."

I gave her a hug, hold her while she cried. Even though she was slightly bigger then me I felt stronger. Able to protect her. She just cried in my arms and let it all go.

I hoped no one could hear her sobbing. Her voice hopefully dampened by the garden and the church. I didn't think anyone would live in the church itself. It looked old. Meant as a simple house of God, where the people gathered only for their prayers and blessings.

Valerie took a deep breath and slowly stopped crying. She released me and looked into my eyes. "Thank you." And kissed me on my lips with a warm, full pressure.

My mind froze.

I felt her lips pressed against mine, the slight salty wetness an impossible taste to miss. It felt like a lovers kiss. So much emotion, so much warmth and care. Gratitude.

The kiss broke and left me standing there. In a graveyard at the edge of town, being held by someone I hardly had spend any time with. Being kissed.

Was it just out of gratitude? Why did she show me this?

Why me?