Oct 2007

Chapter 53Where She Hides

My mom looked around in surprise, she apparently wasn't expecting that. We didn't have long to think about it as they might become impatient. Something didn't seem right though. Why were they even here?

"This is strange." She thought for a moment. "Amy, go to the shower and get it running. I don't think they can hear it from outside the door there."

I nodded and went to the bathroom. "Good luck.", I said before I closed the door behind me. I turned the shower on but stood next to the door, hoping to hear everything properly. That was easier than I had expected as I could even hear my mom sighing and walking to the door.

She opened it. "Yes, hello?"

There was a short pause. "Sorry to disturb you miss but we got an anonymous tip about this room, concerning a minor and an adult."

I could imagine her look, slightly surprised and stern. "Well, my daughter is here, she's seventeen and currently in the shower."

"Would you mind if I came in and looked around?"

"Not at all, go right ahead." I heard their footsteps, into the room and I imagined the police officer looking around. I had locked the bathroom door automatically and was glad of it. As he rattled the door I suddenly had a brilliant idea.

"Mom! I'm not finished yet!" My voice echoing on the bathroom tiles.

I head the officer laughing. "I'm sorry miss. I'm guessing a concerned citizen just saw you head in here with the two of you and was worried it was for... other reasons."

Because his laugh was actually quite loud, I decided I could play the game a bit further. "Mom, are you talking to someone?"

She probably shrugged and smiled. "Just room-service dear."

"It's been a strange night. Again my apologies, have a good night ma'am." He sighed.

"It always is 'one of those days'." She mumbled as she closed the door behind him.She must have smiled tiredly as he left. I turned off the shower and heard her locking the hotel-door. It might have been me, but I think I heard a 'phew' from her as well. I got out of the bathroom and glanced back longingly. I wouldn't really mind a shower. The hot water warming my body would be really nice.

"Are you alright?" Moms, always considerate.

"I'm alright, I wonder if that's what he was really looking for." I shrugged.

She nodded. "I got the same feeling, he looked surprised in a way. And to be honest, I don't think it was about underage intercourse or something. I had a feeling there was something else."

I tried to figure it out, but it was difficult. I was surprised time went by so quickly, it wasn't so late that it became early again, but close. I became slightly fidgety because I didn't really want to leave, but I couldn't stay either. I wanted to take a shower though... I needed the warmth so much.

"Mom, is it alright if I really did take a shower?" I tried to look my most innocent.

She giggled. "Oh eh.. Sure."

"Yay!" I walked back into the bathroom, locked the door and undressed, moving to turn the shower on and noticed myself in the mirror...

Wow... did I look like that?

What I saw in the mirror was not entirely what I expected. In a way it was everything that was pretty on Khuna as well. Long flowing auburn hair that shone healthily in the light. My skin was very soft looking and without imperfection. Even the little acne I was used to had completely disappeared and, I turned around, so did an old scar from falling from a tree two years ago. My... I blushed... breasts looked fuller and rounder. And so did my bottom a little. My body had become as beautiful as it possibly could without really changing.

Or was it just me that only really noticed it for the first time.

I turned on the shower and felt the water being warm almost immediately. I stepped beneath the falling water and closed my eyes.

Almost able to trace each drop as it ran over my body, the warmth of it given by the water going deeper and deeper into my skin. I didn't want to use soap as the water itself felt so nice and soft to me. A few minutes passed as I let myself be filled with warmth completely. I shut the shower off and dried myself with the towels there. I giggled. The ever-useful towel.

I redressed and did my hair, it was still pretty wet but I didn't care. I hardly had to brush it, it just fell naturally. In a way my body had a fair few advantages I thought. At least I looked nice.

Mom smiled as I came out of the bathroom. "You have been taking good care of yourself."

I blushed. "Thanks. Eh, I think it's about time I went though."

She nodded. "I had a feeling that was the case, it's alright, I'll see you off."

We hugged once more and went out of the door and down the stairs. The lobby was empty save for the clerk, the streets outside not looking any fuller. I guess it was really late.

"Be safe sweety, I'm sorry I can't tell you where I am, but there is more going on than you know, and it's good if you keep not knowing it.

I wanted to ask but decided to be the good daughter for once and simply nodded. "Okay."

She kissed my cheek and held the door open for me. I walked outside, crossed the road and turned around to wave and suddenly noticed the police officer from earlier coming from the toilet near the lobby. I wanted to say something, shout 'look out mom' but I was simply held by surprise.

Two more officers came and surrounded my mother. I felt a distant observer from my dark piece of curb on the other side of the street looking in to the light lobby of the hotel. The officer from earlier talked to her and she nodded. They didn't cuff her but one held her arm while they walked outside. I semi-hid and hoped they wouldn't notice me. I only realized what had just happened when they already got her into their police-car and drove away into the night.

Why did they take her?