Nov 2007

Chapter 72About Resting Results

We walked away before we really attracted attention. Not that we needed to bother, the crowd around the fire trucks and police cars was cover enough for anyone. Even an arsonist. It just felt too coincidental to have a fire, here, now. Slowly we walked back to our home, feeling lost and confused. Thoughts on Valerie and Khuna went through my head. How was Valerie doing? Was she still almost catatonic?

The truck wasn't there, I was glad of it. It was a worry that I didn't want. I wondered if it had any significance whatsoever. I mean it was an industrial district. Even at these late hours there are people working. Night shifts, transport. There should be all sorts of work going on. Thinking about it I was almost surprised I didn't see more activity around here.

But then again, all this was mainly storage. No factories and a lot of temporarily owned buildings. Owned for a few months, used for something and then sold or rented out again. All of this wasn't important or anything but my mind had so much weird stuff going around inside, that it started to wander a little.

Alright, a lot.

We turned into our alley and jumped up one by one. We both stayed silent and I noticed his glance darting around just as much as mine. Noticing everything, registering nothing. Just giving our minds time to piece everything of this night together and lay it out for us to see.

Kai opened the door and let me in like a gentleman. I walked into the living room and got the scare of my life.

Valerie stood right in front of me.


I froze. Kai behind me gasped as he noticed what I was staring at. Valerie just looked blankly into space until something went 'snap' in my head.

She dropped.

In pure reflex I had dashed around to her side and caught her easily. Even before I realized I had done it, I was holding her safely. She felt natural again. Completely unconscious but natural. Not gone anymore. But what had brought her back. What had kept her mind away? What had happened?

I wanted to ask her so many questions but I just held her safe.

Kai spoke softly. "Take her to her room, stay with her please."

Surprised I complied. Kai just went behind his computers but there was something odd about his movements. Was he crying? I didn't hear him sob but the feeling of sadness and relief was very intense. I lifted Valerie up as if I was a guy, holing her in both arms. It surprised me that I could even do that as Valerie was slightly taller and much more ... eh... mature... than I. I blushed a little in jealousy.

With Valerie in my arms I had to open her door a bit haphazardly but I did it. She felt limp but peaceful as she hung in my arms. Maybe the strange spell had finally been broken and she was sleeping peacefully now. She didn't feel held-back anymore, just... tired. So very very tired.

It wasn't that late into the night that the sunrise was nearby, but I did feel her sleep rubbing off on me. Laying her down on the bed gently I took a seat so she could lie on my lap. It looked like she had fallen asleep in my lap and my hand caressed her hair almost automatically. Her naked beautiful skin did distract me a little. Why did I pay so much attention to how she looked? I picked up the blankets and draped them over her as best I could.

"You know, you really are a handful if you're awake and even more so when you're asleep." I giggled as I said it. I didn't mean it but I felt better for letting it out.

Valerie moaned. "Subtle... lost... daughter..." Her voice was soft and weary as if coming from a distance.

"Valerie, you're awake?" But when I looked at her she didn't seem awake. Talking in her sleep.

"Finally awake... Enforced dreams... Many children... Dangerous drugs."

A thought entered my head; "Ask her". Her voice sounded very like that boy in the circle. Speaking from a distance, somewhere far away inside.

"What about me?" I couldn't resist.

"Love twisting... Parents taken... Someone looking... Burning future! Burning!" She twisted in my arms and I caressed her to silence. I had heard it before but where?

"And you?" I smiled at her, hoping she'd feel better.

"I... I..." She paused for a moment then opened her eyes, looking right at me. Her voice was different

Walked the streets like no one else
Elegance in tune
Coming back to places lost
Longing for the moon

Hands got grip and pulled me back
Pulling me inside
Brothers, sisters, roaming down
Deeper still to hide

Gave me drinks, a foamy broth
Dampening my soul
Dreams enforced, words let loose
Losing all control

With empty mind and body nude
Left inside and lost
Revenge is coming swift for those
Don't realize the cost

As she finished she collapsed again. Her breathing steady and her eyes closed. It did tell the whole story. I smiled as I felt sleep overtake me, helping me to forget completely where I was or who I was with. I felt happy for that small moment blissful moment of ignorance caused by the drowsiness of sleep. I welcomed it.

Taking me away to fiery dreams once more.