Nov 2007

Chapter 86About Close Cuddling

The darkness. It was like being back in the womb. Nothing but silence save for my own, slow, heartbeat. My body felt heavy as if I was being crushed by tons and tons of water pressing down on me. But somehow I was safe. I felt safe.

Hands on my skin. Was I in a morgue being investigated? Panic?

Very soft movement. Gentle hands, long fingers, female hands. Don't panic. Where was I?

Eyes open. Nothing there but darkness. But a familiar smell. Home?

More sound, two heartbeats, beating as slow as mine. Almost synchronous. I felt I knew them.

The time was wrong, still light outside. I could feel it. Feel the sleep pulling at me. Drifting I fell into a deep sleep once more. Back to the darkness, but now it was warm.

Unfelt time passed...

Bodies pressed against me on both sides, skin against my own. It felt warm and friendly. Hands still resting on my skin, moving softly, caring. Now I could hear the breathing as well. Slightly uncomfortable as I wasn't used to so much closeness. But the confusion faded. Valerie and Khuna were next to me. Feeling their presence. They held me between them to keep me warm. What happened?

After I gave my blood to them I must have fainted.

Home. I knew I was home. The memory came back to me. I had been awake for a short moment before. Feeling parched I wanted to get up but they held me. Both of them held me down.

"Don't go yet." Khuna's voice.

"You're still too weak." Valerie.

One of them threw a shoe at the light switch, causing the room to be filled with light. After my eyes adjusted to the light I looked at them. They looked tired and paler than usual, but still a lot better than me. My own skin was almost like marble. Unhealthily white and pale. Even giving the hint of being translucent. I could look like a strange statue if I held really still.

But stillness is what I wanted no more. I tried to get up, moving their hands away from me. They let me, both of them staring at me intensely. Something was... Odd. They both had a faint blush on their cheeks. Why?

They had left me in my underwear but both of them were naked. And they were pressed against me and each other. Our legs almost leading their own lives, wrapped together. I felt the pressure against my body on every side and started to feel a little confused again. Why had they done this?

"What happened?" My voice coarse and weak.

Valerie spoke softly. "You saved us. After we woke from your blood we carried and dragged you back here. Putting you to bed. But you were so cold we couldn't let you stay alone. And considering... you know... we all drank each others blood, Khuna suggested we sleep together to keep you warm."

It made sense. "And the clothes?"

Khuna whispered. "We don't mind for ourselves, but we knew you would. So we let you keep your clothes. It was still better to have as little clothes as possible to keep you warm." She blushed.

"And?" I knew there would be more.

"And... eh... We wanted to stay close to you." She sounded ashamed, but not hurt.

I smiled bravely, perhaps a bit too much. "Okay. I... ugh." Almost falling back. "I need blood."

Valerie nodded. "We couldn't give you ours, else we would have been too weak to bring you back. We'll go outside now if you want."

I nodded. "Yes, I need it."

Only now I noticed how faint my voice was. Like a whisper that was only a whisper because no louder sound could be made. But of course, they would have no problem hearing it. My mind was truly waking up though.

I wanted to stand up and moved over Valerie to go out of the bed. We were in my room. Good. I stood up but only just managed to keep standing. I was in no state to dress myself.

"Someone help me dress?"

Both of them got out of bed, I closed my eyes as I didn't want to be confronted with their nudity too much. They dressed me tenderly, barely even touching me and moving as respectful as possible. They both gave me a kiss on my cheek when I was done and moved out of the room, giving me space. Being tired I let myself slump down on the bed. The door was open, a little blessing. Time to see if I could get upstairs.

I stood up and forced my body to listen. It worked a little. I walked, step by wobbly step, until I could grab the railing of the stairs for some stability. Khuna came back from her room first and smiled a little as she saw how far I'd walked. She stood next to me swiftly, supporting me.

"You know, none of us would even be able to stand up with that little blood in us. There's something about you..." Her voice trailing away.

"I guess I'm just stubborn." A wry smile. "Please tell me what happened after I can listen."

Khuna nodded. "I will."

We got to the top of the stairs with Kai, for a change, sitting behind his computers. He turned around as soon as we climbed the stairs completely and looked worried. Something on his mind?

"Khuna, is she alright?" Kai looked at me judging.

"She's OK. Something on your mind?" Khuna spoke my thoughts.

Kai hesitated. "I'm not sure this is the time..."

"Out with it." She didn't say it angrily, but just urging him on.

"Janus contacted us... Me... Well, Amy really." Kai fumbled with his clothing. Something was definitely off.

"And?" She was as curious as I was.

"He wants to meet at eleven in the building site near that hotel. You know, where amy met with her mother. But... I'm not sure it's safe."

"I'm sure she..." Khuna began, but I interrupted her.

"I'm going." I knew my voice was soft, but they listened. "Khuna will help me with getting some blood."

Kai hung his head first in a sort of defiance, then in shame. "I shouldn't have doubted." He looked at us again and smiled. "Take good care of her Khuna." And went back to behind his computers.

Khuna smiled at his back and we walked carefully to the door outside. She supported me in a way that made me feel I was still doing most of the work. But it was good, it helped me feel still in control of my body. In a way I was glad to lean against her as well. The feeling of abandonment was so strong when I thought they were dead. Back to normal.

"Amy?" The first time Kai spoke to me directly tonight.

Khuna helped me turn around.

Kai looked determined. "I don't trust him, be careful."

I nodded. "I will."