Dec 2007

Chapter 95Planning Payoff

Khuna, Valerie and Kai listened carefully and hung on my every word. I guess my whole posture had changed as well. More sure of myself, in control, knowing what to do. In all these bleak times of strange things happening it was like a ray of sunlight through the rain.

"Kai and I have been there before. And I don't think they really remember us from the last time. There was only one security guard and a medical staff-member on site so that would be easy enough to dispatch of."

Kai nodded.

"My plan, should you choose to accept it," I winked. "is to wait either on the roof or nearby for the guy to come out for a smoke. We won't wait too long, but I kind of hope we can do it this way. If the door is already open we can head in and hide, waiting for either the guard or the other guy to pass and grab them."

Khuna poked my side. It tickled. "But what do we do with them?"

I smiled darkly. "We'll have to punch them unconscious, tie them up and leave them somewhere they can't easily escape or contact others. Also, I hope there's a safe or something like it on site because I want to make it look like a bungled attempt at a robbery. One in which the children escaped 'accidentily'." I took a deep breath. "The trouble starts when we get inside of course. Even after we take care of the two people we still need to shut down everything else. But we can't do it too nice or it would look too professional."

Kai smiled. "Which is where I come in. While you girls take care of the guards I will take care of the security system. Erasing everything and shutting it down for the night forcefully. After I've added my little corruptor of course."

Khuna frowned. "Corruptor?"

Kai grinned. "Yeah, kind of Amy's idea. Corrupt their data slowly so even after they get everything running again they'll have a big problem in a few weeks. Including in their backups."

Valerie clapped. "Oh, that's clever. What else? You wanted to save the children?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but there are several things we have to do first. Valerie, you seem to be good with children so I want you to wake them up slowly after we have done away with the guards. Slowly gather them in the corridor downstairs near the courtyard outside. This should keep you busy for longer than all the others, so we'll help you after we're done with our duties."

Khuna giggles. "So Kai's on security, Valerie with the children. What are we going to do?"

A playful smile. "Mayhem. We're going to destroy their current supply of that drug and ruin their safe to make it look like some addicts breaking in. Think breaking glass, a small fire and a broken safe."

"Ooh, sounds like fun. But isn't a safe a bit above our strength?" Frowning a little.

Nodding, I smiled. "Exactly. We can only make a 'true bungled attempt'. And I'm sure we'll make it look very impressive indeed." I poked her in her side teasingly.

Khuna giggled. "Okay okay. So then what?"

"This is where things get slightly complicated. I'm not expecting all the children to come with us easily. Even if they want to escape, not all of them want to be in a new orphanage. But letting them go is a bit heavy on my conscience. The other problem is that of transport. If we walk the children down the streets on a Monday evening I'm sure it will cause a fair few frowns."

Valerie smiled. "Actually if you give me enough time I could talk them into helping us. Usually children help me out when I ask them. The only problem left is that of transport."

Kai nodded. "We could take one of the busses they have on the courtyard, but if we take it we have to get rid of it somehow. I think there's only twelve to fifteen children in there."

I shook my head. "We need to act late in the night, so they won't have to wait outside for long. Fortunately the weather is with us. Yeah, I guess a bus could work. But we have to make sure as few of the children see us as possible. Valerie, can you wear a wig or something?"

Valerie nodded. "I'll do some subtle makeup as well. Making me look somewhat different."

"Alright, the plan is to get the children into the truck with Valerie without them seeing Kai in the drivers seat. Me and Khuna will close up and remove any left evidence. Possibly smash in a few windows from inside-out to give the impression of escaping children. Kai will drive the children to the new Orphanage and lose the car somewhere. If possible bring it to a scrap yard and otherwise just leave it somewhere to be stolen or something."

Kai winked. "I have an idea what to do with it."

"Right. Any questions?"

"Are we going to do anything about the brothers?"

I smiled in recollection. "Ooh! Good point! We still have that robe from when we brought Valerie back. We'll leave that there. Perhaps it will spark an inner feud. Better even, let's rip it and use it as blindfolds and bounds for the guard and the medical guy."

Khuna applauded. "That's brilliant Amy! I love that plan."

Valrie smiled and clapped twice as well. "I agree, sounds really good."

Kai nodded seriously. "Alright, time to prepare. When do we start?"

"Make your preparations, make sure you're well-fed and gather near the orphanage at midnight. Me and Kai know where it is, so Khuna is with me and Valerie with Kai. Taking everything into account, I hope it will take us long enough to have the children at the proper place not long before dawn."

All three nodded.

I smiled. "Time to prepare."