Jan 2008

Chapter 113Of Stars and Strikes

As I woke I could only assume my dreams had led me through the ages. With kings and heroes fighting for a fair maidens hand. Landscapes, completely unknown to me, past by in my vision as I woke up. I may not have dreamed about them, but the book beneath me held their secrets and shared them with me openly. I smiled as I closed the book solemnly and put it back where it belonged.

There was a faint smell of lavender in the corridors I passed. Stalks of it standing in jars on the side. It was subtle but very pleasant. It was hard to discern any time down here, but it felt early. The path was no trouble as I remembered how we walked last night. There was no noise down here that betrayed if anyone else was awake already.

The fire was already lit and flaring in the hearth in the living room. Faith was already sitting on one of the sofa's, her eyes closed and a faint smile on her elegant face. I didn't want to disturb her peace and moved over softly, sitting down opposite of her without so much as a whisper.

"Good evening, Amy."

"Oh, hi. I didn't want to disturb you."

"You didn't. I do have something to ask of you. How long have you been a vampire?" She sounded honest and serious.

"About little less than six weeks I guess. Why?"

She smiled. "And you can fly?"

I nodded.

"Can you show me?" She looked at me expectantly. I wondered why.

"Okay." I tried to hover while I was sitting. It didn't work exactly as I wanted to, even though I felt much lighter and didn't press the fabric of the sofa in as much anymore. As soon as I stood up I floated a little above the floor and held there. Just perfectly still as if I was standing on the ground. I felt the air around my body vary in pressure slightly, but it was unclear if it had any visible effect on the flames.

Faith looked impressed. "It took me many years before I was able to do that. Tell me, have you always learned new things easily."

I shrugged. "I guess. It's hard to tell really. I just learn things as they come."

She looked at me thoughtfully, stood up and grabbed my hand. "Try to stay up." She smiled teasingly as if this was just a game.

She pulled quite hard and it didn't take me long until I couldn't keep hovering anymore. Her weight, surprisingly intense, pulled me down like I was a leaf of paper. Something kind of clicked though. I made myself lighter, could I make myself heavier?

Faith nodded. "Hmm... I see." She smiled. "You do learn fast. I guess you have a very simple basic understanding of how things are and you work the rest out yourself. Average at school?"

I nodded quietly, not sure what to say.

Faith hugged me. "I perfectly understand now. I guess you really are someone special, Amy. Afentis chose well."

He entered the room, perfect timing. On purpose? "Thank you, Faith. But they chose her before I did. I simply rescued her."

She giggled. "You do tend to rescue the special ones."

Afentis laughed. "Alright alright. So Faith, will you show her?"

She nodded."Of course."

"Show me what?" I was looking at the two of them curiously.

"Something fun. Also, I will be gone until late tomorrow. I hope Faith won't spoil you too much." He winked.

Even though they promised me to tell of their history, I didn't want to push them. Something told me it was rather important. Afentis gave a quick hug to Faith and left the room. Of course it was kind of evil of them to peak my curiosity just before a moment like this, but I forgave them.

"Come." Faith spoke happily, as if she was excited to share it. She changed so rapidly from serious woman to playful child.

It was contagious, in a good way.

She led me up to the only tower of the castle. It wasn't very high but standing on top of a tower was quite an experience by itself. There was a very sturdy telescope underneath some tarpaulin, which she promptly removed. It smelled vaguely of oil when i stepped near and looked very new and expensive. The wind up here wasn't too bad with the high battlements but still quite noticeable.

She started to look through it. "Give me a moment to adjust it. Tonight should be... Yes..."

I giggled as she adjusted the device while she half-talked to herself.

"Here, look carefully."

Kneeling down I took a careful look through the telescope, seeing a blue-white glow surrounding a sort of rocky object. I wondered if I could see sharper through this than a normal man could. A comet! It's tail was almost like right out of a fairy tale. It was beautiful and so far away that it didn't even look special in the evening sky.

"Beautiful." I spoke in soft admiration.

"Go on, try and find something else." Her voice light on the wind.

Piece by piece, I took in the sky. Moving slowly around to look at stars, comet and even something that looked like a satellite. Of course I couldn't resist trying to look at the ground, this vantage point quite useful for the otherwise barely elevated landscape. The nearest houses were quite far, but the telescope all made them appear right in front of their eyes.

"I love watching them sometimes. It feels safer from here." Faiths voice by my ear.

I blushed, did she know what I felt?

All around I looked, wanting to take everything in. Until I found something that didn't look quite right. I wasn't sure. Keeping my eyes on a single mansion not even that far away. The windows were mostly covered by curtains, except for one where there was light. Someone walked by again. I was sure now.

The man from the circle, from the orphanage.