Jan 2008

Chapter 122Of Dresses and Praise

The papers on the desk were well organized and written in a neat even handwriting. Part of me registered it as important, another proof of her still often mechanical movements. Despite all this, Nuru looked a lot more awake. She looked at me patiently in my movements and even smiled a little. Was she happy in my coat?

"Come, we're heading upstairs."

Nuru nodded and smiled softly as she saw me pick up the papers with care, flipping through them as I walked for to the door. She followed closely as we headed through the corridors upstairs. The candles didn't burn very brightly anymore, almost down to a stump, but their subtle light was enough to navigate by.

We arrived at ground level, my eyes adjusting to the brighter light and almost comforted by the footsteps behind me. Even though I knew you don't hear your footsteps as well as those of others, erasing them from your mind automatically, her footsteps were a lot louder than mine. I was so used to walking silently, it was a refreshing feeling to hear footsteps and not be warned by them.

Faith and Afentis were sitting in the living room as we both entered. They both looked at us, obviously, but Afentiss expression was one of wonder and more aimed at the papers in my hand. He already knew I didn't let things go easily.

Faith giggled quietly as she saw Nuru in my coat. "She needs clothes."

I nodded. "Do you have any for her?"

Faith nodded and smiled. "Yes, give me a moment, I think I have just the thing for her."

She headed through the door we just came through and headed back to her room. It was difficult, but I could just make out her footsteps on the stone stairs as she headed down. Then they faded into the silence of the castle.

Afentis smiled. "What have you been doing, Amy?"

I moved aside, moving my hand in a thankful move to Nuru. "Very little. Nuru has done some research on the Silver Abbey and found out something very interesting."

He raised his eyebrows. "Which is?"

I smiled proudly. "It's location. Of the ruins of course."

He stretched his hand for the papers. "Can I see?"

I giggled. "Of course." And handed them over.

He put them on the coffee table and started reading them in a very high speed. Did Afentis know where it was? Perhaps he once knew and never visited it again. He didn't read them in surprise as much as verification. He nodded sharply now and then as he read over the pages.

"These are very detailed and correct. How did you find this out?"

Nuru talked softly, unused to praise. "By careful reading of the books in the room of Miss Amy, Lord. There were several books on the Abbey, and by noting down some details I could make educated guesses on it's location."

Afentis walked toward her, taller than her, and stood right in front of her. Nuru looked slightly nervous, not knowing what to expect.

He bowed slightly. "You've done very well." And smiled.

The expression on her face was the most natural I'd seen since I met her. It went from surprise, via pride, to a soft warm blush that hardly colored her dark cheeks. It was very cute.

Faith returned with some clothes. My eyes grew as I noticed what she actually held in her hands. The simple underwear was kind of old fashioned but practical. It was the dress, however, that stole the show. It was a elegant, long dress of a black fabric with a gold, thin, fabric overlay. It looked very expensive and luxurious. The kind of dress I would never choose or buy, but would love to see.

Nuru looked even more surprised, but also very reserved. She obviously didn't feel worthy of such a gift, but she did not want to offend Faith giving it either. She looked very taken in by her doubts and fears on what to do. Afentis wanted to step in but looked at me. Nuru looked to me has her mistress, it was my responsibility.

"Accept it, Nuru." I smiled kindly.

Nuru removed the coat and gave it back to me, completely oblivious to her own nudity. And beauty. She dressed herself almost in between us three, moving deliberate and precise. She didn't want to harm the wonderful clothes. Faith, softly giggling at the situation, simply held them out for her, helping with the dress as she put it on. She didn't have any matching shoes with her but I thought Nuru wouldn't mind. In fact, she looked happier barefoot.

It looked amazing. The dark dress with it's bright gold was a perfect match for her skin and body. Her shapely form filling the dress almost perfectly, even though she was slightly taller than Faith. It was almost too pretty to be real.

Faith looked at Afentis, subtly breaking the magic. "So, what are those?" nodding to the papers on the table.

"The location of the Silver Abbey ruins. All valid as far as I can tell." He smiled. "Amy probably wants to visit it tonight."

I nodded. "Definitely."

Faith looked at Nuru. "Will we take her with us?"

"Yes." I smiled. "I want her to see the prize she found for us. And her sensitivity might see things that we don't."

Nuru blushed again, softer this time, bowing her head slightly. "Thank you, miss Amy."

Faith laughed. "Yay! More adventure!"