Valerie looked at me with open eyes, surprised as much as I was. It wasn't by name, maybe, but it still was directed at us. Did they know we were going to come back and do something again? We wouldn't expect to steal the same book... And of course we left near to no traces of our last effort. I hoped.
Good evening little thieves,
The book you took is dear to me and I would like to see it returned. Considering the facts around it's disappearance, I don't presume a call on your intelligence a lost cause.
I apologize for this little bait, but I had no other place in which to put this letter. This was the only location it would be noticed by those relevant, no one else. As a scholar I do appreciate one's search into deeper knowledge, yet in this case I would warn against the contents of the book taken.
Some things in this world are not meant to know for the common man, as the resulting worries would impede their natural development.
In closing, please return the book.
Marius Sunamored
The letter was actually handwritten in a very neat script that definitely proved this man to be an intelligent and precise person. The odd thing was the tone in which he wrote the letter. Slightly demanding with a clear expectation for us to follow his words.
Valerie almost held her breath beside me. "Did you ever meet him?"
I shook my head.
Too soon it seemed.
The room flooded with light as the light was switched on with a soft click. It wasn't that bright, as the single ceiling lamp illuminated the room, but it was enough to make the figure standing in the doorway a silhouette, until our eyes adjusted.
It was an older man, perhaps fifty or such, with full, graying but well-kept hair and a clean shaven face. He looked very dignified in neat and slightly modern clothing. He had a nice scent on him, an aftershave that was subtle and non-intrusive. His stance was relaxed and open, was this the headmaster?
"Ah, it seems I am not too late. Good evening little thieves." His voice wasn't as old as he looked, quite nice despite the situation.
Valerie moved to the window, wanting to jump out, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. The way this played wasn't dangerous so far. It didn't look like he had, or expected, an army at his side.
"Ah, please wait." He spoke as he noticed Valeries movements.
I had to ask. "Marius, I presume?"
He smiled. "Very good. I assume you are the ones that took the book previously?"
I nodded. "You could say that, it doesn't look like you wish to call the police."
He shook his head. "No, besides the subject of the book being a bit too... delicate for the police. You did not destroy or even change anything else in my office. I concluded you wished not to harm anyone but were merely interested in the book itself."
I nodded. "Yes she was."
Stupid! I realized what I had said, now he would know we weren't the one who instigated this little escapade. The expression on my face must have betrayed some of my thoughts as well, as I saw his change into a gentle, knowing smile.
"I see. Did Amy find it educational?"
Before I spoke, Valerie put her hand on my shoulder. It silenced me and rightly so. There was almost nothing I could say that would improve this situation. I was too agitated. She had kept her cool completely now and spoke in calm tones.
"What do you wish from us?"
He looked momentarily confused but regained his composure. "Obviously, I'd like the book to be returned to me. Also, I may have something else of interest to you."
"Continue." Valerie spoke levelly, I was quite intrigued.
"There has been quite a tumult in the group of people that see this book as theirs. Their reasons are far from the scholars I hoped them to be, so I care little for them. But there is something I would like you to take from them."
"Which is?" She sounded slightly impatient, but wasn't able to hide her curiosity either.
"Information. I want them to lose as much of the information they have as possible, also they hold quite a few objects close to the location I believe to be their main vault. There is a small group among them who wishes to research those that fall outside of humanity's world. They, as I, believe it is better to learn from those that are different than to hunt them."
Valerie looked back at me, waiting for my reaction. I nodded slightly. It was enough for her, she flashed a brief smile to me before she looked back at him.
"Alright." She spoke. "We're listening."