Feb 2008

Chapter 145A Touch that Calls

Usually the moment before waking came with an echo of the night before and emptiness that filled that echo. This was different. My mind suddenly flared with all kinds of thoughts and a strange sensation in my stomach. I couldn't quite place it but it was a nice way to wake up. Filled with energy.

I opened my eyes.

And saw again.

Hitori's face was right next to mine, asleep with a smile on his lips. It was very nice to see him again. So good to see him again. So good to see.

All those feelings kept calling for attention. Happiness for the return of my eyesight, more happiness seeing Hitori and of course the warm feeling of having him near me. It was truly a lovely way to wake up.

Of course an obvious thought played in my mind. Should I wake him?

It was hard to resist, too hard. So my lips gently went for his and gave him a kiss with only the lightest touch. I retreated instantly, I didn't want it to be more than just featherlight impression.

He woke up.

The smile on his lips was joined by mine as he moved forward to return my kiss. We were both lost in this moment of binding. We held each other very lightly, our bodies not even pressed together. He just laid in front of me and kissed me.

And I kissed back.

It was nothing more than the touch of our lips that seemed to last forever.

We released each other, I wanted to say good morning but that felt odd. In fact, I was slightly surprised he had been sleeping. I wondered what happened. But it didn't matter, I could see again!

Out of pure curiosity I looked at what he was wearing and what I was wearing. It caused a giggle. I kind of remember the shapes of them and I wasn't at all surprised to see their gray-ish appearance.

"I'm glad you can see again." So nice to hear Hitori's voice.

He surprised me. "How can you tell?"

"Because you're finally looking at me again." He smiled.

"It was so weird... I didn't feel as if my eyes were broken, but just not allowed to see."

He nodded. "Nuru found something interesting about that in a book. I guess you're psychic now."

"Not consciously..."

A sudden thought entered my mind; Nuru! Nuru hadn't slept in a bed today and probably not yesterday either! Where was she?

Turning around, I sat up and looked for her. She was sleeping in the desk chair, her head on her arms, covering a book. She looked cute, but not comfortable.

"Hitori, please get out of bed, we're getting up and I want to give the bed to Nuru. She's been awake for far too much lately."

He nodded and got out of bed, pulling the sheets away so I could put her into bed without me even asking him. He waited patiently while I picked up the little sleeping black beauty in my arms and put her in bed gently, every moment slow and precise. Hitori pulled the sheets over her and smiled at me, perhaps surprised at the care I had taken while moving her.

He put his hand around my waist lovingly while I still stared down at Nuru as if she was a child I just put to bed. And we were a family.

I felt warm.

Knocks on my door, heavy knocks, agitated. Worried?

"Amy?" It was Faith, she sounded stressed.

I let go of Hitori. "Yes?"

"Something happened, you have to see this."