Feb 2008

Chapter 147A Fact that Remains

There were so many possibilities for this display, but one flare up among all the others.

'They found us.'

But who...

Afentis called us all back into the house, to the living room. He looked very angry, as if this reminded him of times before. Hitori walked among them much braver than I had expected. Did he know these were all vampires? I kept Hitori close to me as we sat down, I liked his warmth beside me and treasured it immensely.

There was something between Hitori and Afentis though. In this quieter moment, I noticed their mutual glances. A sort of admiration or recognition appeared to be present on both sides. I wasn't quite sure what to think of it.

Afentis spoke. "Hitori, we do not have time for proper introductions, for this I apologize. I am Afentis, this is Faith, my daughter. We are like Amy as you may have guessed already."

Hitori nodded politely.

"This cross worries me greatly. Faith has lived here for quite a long time and has never been bothered by anything like this, despite the many witch-hunts that have occurred over time. Also, it appears to be a little too deliberate for it's own good."

I wanted to know. "Do they know who we are?"

Afentis smiled. "I doubt it. The cross was lit during the evening because that is when no one will miss it. And the wood looked quite solid, so it will burn for quite a while. In fact, I presume it is not us they are looking for."

It couldn't be. "Nuru?"

Afentis nodded. "Yes. Kryss' group is too non-religious for an action like this, regardless of any revenge they might plot. And from what Faith told me about Nuru, I presume her service in between the Circle and the Brotherhood. Either of them would be willing to do such a thing, use scare tactics."

I frowned. "But why a cross?"

"History. It's been used before to call out a dark person, which is the other reason why I assumed it was for her. Where is Nuru now?"

"Asleep, she was very tired after these few days."

Afentis smiled. "Good, she doesn't need this. But we need to move her. Openly."


Hitori interrupted. "If they don't see her leave, they will assume we're keeping her here."

Afentis nodded and looked at me directly. "Amy, I want to ask something difficult of you."

I wasn't quite sure where he was going with this, but it sounded bad. "What do you want to ask?"

Afentis stood right in front of me. "I want you and Hitori to take Nuru back into town, as soon as possible. And look rushed. But we need to make sure she will be seen. I've called a taxi already that will arrive in mere minutes."

So it had all been decided. "What about you and Faith?"

"We're going to clean most of the important things from the castle, just in case and I will search for you again once I've found out who actually put the cross there."

Faith had kept quiet all this time, I guessed they had the talk before they called me. Although... Had there been enough time for that? In any case, she looked at me expectantly.

I got up and nodded. "Alright."

Afentis smiled. "Thank you, I hoped you would do it."

"We'll go get Nuru and get ready for the taxi." Hitori got up as well.

Faith looked at me with a smile as we left the room, she looked proud of me. It helped give me a smile. This time I walked alone with Hitori through the corridors and I wanted to say something, but what?

"I'm sorry I look like this." Why did I start about that?

Hitori looked surprised. "Look like what?"

I frowned. "Like this, with my skin discolored because of the burns..." My voice trailed into silence. Surely he could see it, wasn't it obvious?

Hitori looked even more surprised. "I can't see anything wrong with your skin? Where did you burn yourself?"

He couldn't be serious! The whole right side of my body was... I held up my right hand.

Odd. It looked completely normal and healed. Of course we just happened to pass a small window in the corridor as well, the darkness on the other side helped it function like a mirror. It was gone! The scars, the discoloring was gone! I was beautiful again! How did I miss that?

With a new spring in my step, happier than I should be in this situation we continued through the corridors, down the steps until we reached my room again. It truly had been my room for these short days. I smiled at the door, greeting it gently, and opened it easily.

Nuru was on the bed, but she wasn't sleeping. All dressed and sitting up neatly she looked at both of us as we entered the room. A faint smile on her lips only added more to my surprise.

"I'm ready to go, Miss Amy."