Mar 2008

Chapter 183Ailments to Cure

I wasn't sure why, maybe it was the strong feeling I had all evening or maybe I just had enough strange things to endure that this didn't come as the shock Afentis expected it to be. Somehow it felt like a natural thing to happen, a clean effect to a cause.

But what was the cause?

"How is she sick?"

"Well, sick is the wrong word, as that implies something physical." He talked somewhat slower, as if making sense to himself was just as important as making sense to me. "She's being... mentally attacked in much the same way a virus would attack the body."


"Faith is..." He hesitated. "...very strong in the mental plane. She would be able to find me or you as soon as she was within several miles. Her mind can reach out and find others that stand out like lighthouses on a darkened shore."

He took a deep breath. "She was trying to find those responsible in her own way, while I was using more traditional methods. She reached out and found..."

For the first time I saw tears in Afentis's eyes. He was always so strong, so calm and pure. Seeing tears from him warned me that something terrible must have been going on. But what could have been the cause of so much pain?

"Minds like Nuru, several, many. But irrevocably broken. These children have been completely... brainwashed beyond repair. Nuru's mind is surprisingly strong and Faith could be with her without feeling too strongly the pain Nuru felt inside. But these... Somewhere in the city is a large group of children that is truly broken. That can live for nothing else but their nightmares."

He looked down. "And Faith shared a moment with them... So now she is broken too, until she can regain herself."

"And you came here to tell me that?"

He nodded. "And warn you. I know you are strong, Amy. But that strength will be a weakness when such abominations are put before you. There is little protection against the broken mind of a child. They will get in, no matter how well you shield yourself. Because you want to, because they're innocent, because they're children."

I nodded sagely. "I understand."

He frowned. "Do you?"

I nodded again. "Yes, and I may be lucky I am only strong in physical matters."

Afentis hesitated. "You've already shown strength of the mind far beyond what is expected of such a young one, Amy. Do not underestimate yourself."

He surprised me. This was a compliment, a big one. It took me a few moments to even grasp the enormity of a compliment such a this from one so old. A blush rose from the depths of my toes, up through my body. Until, finally, it reached and colored my cheeks.

"Thank you."

He smiled kindly. "I'm going back to her."

A question rose up. "How could you leave her if she is in such a state?"

He looked down. "I've got her sedated. I knew it would last me long enough to find you and talk to you, as this felt truly important to your path. That, and I needed some fresh air to cope with her. You have no idea how... painful it is to feel her broken."

"Will she be alright?"

He nodded. "She's been through things like this and can usually recover. But I fear this might... will take a while." He smiled bravely. "But she's quite resilient, I'm confident her mind will rebuild itself."

This is one of the few times where I've seen Afentis truly act as a father. His polite ways were softer than usual, yet still present. And his worry, words and wonder, gave him a humanity that often seemed much more distant in his case. The passing time, years and years, might have been the cause of that.

And now, love was the cure.

I smiled. "Good luck."

He bowed slightly. "Thank you. You too."

With those words he took his leave and rose up, flying off into the distance toward the castle. This meeting had been good for several things; He had told me of how he and Faith would play little part in this and would not be there to save me. I also learned one of the rare, but present, dangers a vampire faces. But, most of all...

I was warned of Jason's treachery once more.