Apr 2008

Chapter 195The Last Key

Jason opened the door to the ante-chamber (his words, not mine) before the room, or dungeon thing, that Khuna and Valerie were in. The key to it was quite strange as it appeared to be quite smooth, no serrated edge.

Magnetic? Electronic?

It didn't really matter, he opened the door and it didn't lock automatically. The heavy door beyond it, however, appeared to have a more traditional lock. And considering the type of door, it meant it was probably hard to pick. The room was completely bare, nothing but a light bulb dangling from bare concrete. Not even a stool or anything else of any importance here.

Of course, my mind took all of this in without me even noticing, my attention was taken away by the man being held by his wrist through a little opening in the door. It's kind of odd really, for someone who doesn't appear to be experienced in keeping prisoners, the details involved showed off more intimate knowledge. Of course he was involved in the orphanages as well and not stupid.

Jason ran to the man. "What are you doing? I told you to put water through the slot, not your hand!"

It was hard to avoid, I had to giggle. To me it was, despite the seriousness of the situation, incredibly funny to see the man, thirty five or older and quite buff, dangling helpless because of a 'little girl' holding on to his arm.

The man replied nervously, scared both because something stronger than him was holding his arm and obviously afraid of Jason himself. "They got to me as if they were waiting for me, I didn't even have time to let go of the bottle."

Jason muttered something softly under his breath. "Idiot." He looked past the man and spoke "Let go!"

Khuna growled softly, I heard Valerie ask her to stay quiet in a tone that should be inaudible for the others. It was time to let them, both of them, know I was here.

"Let me talk to them."

Jason looked at me, almost angry but gave me a chance. I wasn't sure if it was to do with me being his daughter or him just giving it a chance. He couldn't do much without opening the door which would cause all kinds of other problems. I guess I'd never know what the reason truly was.

"Khuna, please let go. I'm here now."

There was some noise inside but the man was able to retract his arm, unhurt save for the bruises on his arm. But that wasn't relevant to me. Valerie had been able to contain her enough for her not to bite him. But it gave me an idea, one that would solve two problems if Khuna was still alert enough to listen.

But I'd have to play it careful. Very careful.

"They need sustenance, Jason. They will behave as long as I'm here." I knew Valerie and Khuna were listening in, I couldn't give them a hint to my plan, but I hoped they would trust me. I'd saved them once before.

"Will they?" He replied skeptically.

"Yes, we will." Came the answer from inside. Valerie. Khuna probably needed all her mind to keep herself from going wild.

Jason frowned and looked at the man. He just shrugged. 'What would two girls do.' He appeared to think. If only they knew. But they didn't, he tried to give them water, he didn't suspect my powers. We could take them by surprise and take the blood they needed.

But careful, they can't be allowed to find out.

"Open it." He had made his decision.

The man got a key from his pocked and opened the door with it. It was a good, solid key that opened the lock without so much as a click. The door opened smoothly as well, no creak no sound. The thickness of the door did surprise me, it was reinforced, obviously, and thicker than my arm. The light from this room flowed into the other. I could see the pane of metal on the far wall blocking the light from outside. They had been quite safe there, in a way.

Khuna and Valerie came out and only then I notice how bad their situation really was. They were pale as to be unhealthy. Scary even. The light here wasn't brilliant and the yellow hue of the bulb probably hid a lot of their white skin. But I could hear the man almost gasp in surprise. They looked bad, ill.

But human enough to fool them.

Jason allowed me to welcome them. At least he didn't say a thing when I moved for Valerie and gave her a hug. She rubbed her eyes as she was getting used to the light, making me wonder if it was play or real. She looked into my eyes briefly before I held her and saw she was still aware of things, if weakened. She didn't have to nod, or talk, or do anything to let me know she trusted me to have a plan.

Releasing her, I walked to Khuna and gave her a hug as well. She almost fell over when I did, weak and so strong at the same time. Her eyes weren't even able to look in mine, too busy with holding herself back. She trusted Valerie, she trusted me. But she was fighting a losing battle. I hoped that what I could do would be enough, Inaudible for the others, maybe even Valerie, I whispered in her ear.

"Almost time."