May 2009

Page 40Chat

There was some scuttling inside, typing on the keyboard and a short hushed words. After what felt like an eternity but only took fifteen seconds, the door was unlocked and I was let in. Giving my first clear look of Seriph.

She looked about thirty years old, no glasses (for some reason I expected them), and lovely brown eyes. She was about my height and dressed in a suit. She didn't look entirely happy to open the door but tried to force a smile on her lips regardless. Her dark blond hair was wrapped in a bun, without any extra decoration.

She put down the phone she was holding. "She wants to talk to you."

I blinked. That wasn't exactly expected. "Who?"


"But, who are you then?"

This time the woman smiled genuinely. "You could call me her voice."

Suddenly all control and understanding was gone. I felt adrift in an ocean of mystery where there was no longer a land-line to hold on to. Of course I understood the basics. She was only a voice for Seriph. But why would someone do it like that?

The woman led me to one of two large laptops set up on a table near the window. It was the only furniture in here, which reinforced the idea that she definitely wasn't here to stay and that it was only for tonight. She held the chair back for me, while I sat down in front of a laptop with a chat-screen open. It was very minimal and the last line said "Let her in." But there was no typing from this side.

A small indicator of sound in the upper right corner, helped me understand that she could hear me, but would type messages back.

A new line appeared, with some extra clearance between the lines above. -Bonsoir Amie.-

I hesitated to speak, but the woman urged me on. "She really wants to know how you found me."

A new line appeared so fast. I wondered if anyone could type that fast. -Yes, I want to know how you found my voice. Tracing the line wouldn't be this fast, let alone finding this location.-

I stuttered a little, taken in by all of this. "I-It's difficult to explain." I took a small breath to regain some composure. "Not by technical means."

-And how did you move over here from the building so fast. Very intriguing.-

"Was tonight a test?"

I imagined the one typing smiling. -Of sorts. You didn't exactly fail. I want to meet you.-

The woman spoke up. "Seriph, why?"

It took a while for the new sentence to show up. Understandable, as it was rather long.

-A few reasons. Her climbing abilities and speed are very unusual. Her tracking you in such a short time is nothing but laudable and the way she treats us is not one of trying to catch us, but one of curiosity. Even her posts reflect this. There is something unnatural about her and I want to know what it is.-

The woman spoke quietly. "I see."

-Is your name Amy?-

I blinked. Was this a time to lie? I decided against it, to see where it would take me. These weren't exactly people that would get me in more trouble than I was in. "Yes."

-Amy, I would like to meet you. I will let a package for you be delivered to Jack, tomorrow afternoon. Use it at six.-

"I can't be in the store before ten. And the owner expects me to work as well."

-Very well, make it eleven then. I will compensate you and him for the time.-

"Okay." A funny question entered my mind. "What should I call you?"

-Just Seriph.-


It was really weird to speak to a voice you couldn't hear. Just words. It felt very one-sided and a little off. But it wasn't insurmountable. (I never thought I'd use that word)

The rest of the night after that was kind of a blur. Leaving, giving a hand to the voice of Seriph and walking back to the Cathedral. Even as I'm writing I have no clue on how to describe my feelings. In a way I was excited, happy and cheerful. So many things had gone right.

But there was an odd undertone of sadness to this all. I wasn't exactly sure why, but I still felt it. A current deep within me of something weird. I had a feeling something bad was coming, something that would change me. But I had no idea what it was.

Restless, I went to sleep.
