Dec 2010

An occasionSome things have happened...

In short: It's my 30th birthday and I've completely redone the site.

In long: MODx, the framework I use, has moved from 1.x to 2.x, and the changes were rather radical. Therefore I've redone a -lot- of my old site. The most awesome change is the new comment system. If someone comments while you're on the same page, you will automatically see it appear.

It's not perfect yet, so I will appreciate any feedback. Unfortunately, the contact thing isn't up yet, it wasn't exactly a high priority.

For now, this will do: Contact Nimja

Might look familiar to some ;)

There's also been a much larger split in the parts of the site, so sorry for all you bookmarkers, but we're going to begin again. Hope you'll forgive me eventually.

Happy new year to you all and happy birthday to me!