Sep 2007

Chapter 1A Setting Sun

It all started... No, that's not even a proper way of saying it. So much must have happened I did not know about. Eyes that saw me, watched me, followed me. How would I, how could I have known when it all started? I guess I can only tell when it started for me.

It started for me just after a normal day of school. No books with me (Long live lockers!), almost no homework and the weekend to look forward to, I could walk carelessly on this beautiful Friday. I was just walking through the park, talking to myself and enjoying the summer sun. I was looking around for trees as well. No matter how often people said 'only boys do that' I still enjoyed the peaceful comfort a tree could give me. Hiding me between their leaves, the rustle of them cloaking even my breathing or tiniest movements. And around here they seemed to be all mine. Few others, if any, ever climbed them. Even when some guys would come to the park, the most they'd do was play some football or something.

I rarely watched them. I guess I never really did have much in the way of friends, but I seldom thought about it. I had a lot of imagination and my books filled me with enough to dream about vividly every night. Even sitting here, in the protection of the tree, I easily dreamed away of flying, exploring the most beautiful places and whatever my latest fancy was at the moment.

Little did I know...

Hours passed like they were minutes. I sighed as I looked up at the sky. The red glow of it warning me it was getting late. I generally took good care of myself, at home they didn't really worry about me if I showed up late. Missing dinner was nothing uncommon or anything that couldn't be solved by a few late sandwiches. I did feel a bit hungry.

Savoring the bright sunset as I jumped from the last branch, it kind of burned into my mind. It was a good sunset, bright and intense, with the clouds close enough to the sun to be bright in a variety of colors. Ranging from sharp red through fierce orange and warm yellow towards their duller white or gray shades. The sky was nice. It felt like a good day.

I headed home, out of the park, through the suburb streets of our neighborhood. It was then that I heard a strange noise. Like my name whispered on the wind it caught my attention.


The sky was darkening and soon the cover of twilight was contrasted by the cold light of the lampposts on the curb. It was strange, I had a feeling as if I was walking into one of my dreams. It is the only reason I followed the noise. I kept well away from strangers usually, knowing how fragile I must appear to them. Yet this time I continued to follow. I felt intrigued.

I followed it all the way on to a construction site, where the light would barely reach. Taking careful steps I continued, feeling like a princess making her way through a dark castle to find that one key. The key to her freedom.

Well, that was one way to put it.

I heard my name again, clearer this time. The voice speaking it seemed young, as old as I was. For a moment I stopped, thinking it was just one of the people from school playing a trick on me. Probably telling the school all about it on Monday. Again I gathered myself. There was something odd about my feelings. I sensed as if there was someone here, far far older then me. Yet he... At least I thought I could just barely discern a male voice... Yet he sounded young.

It all went blank. Nothing but a sharp pain in my neck for a moment and then nothing. A deep nothingness that washed over my mind and body, feeling it go limp.

I woke up, I don't know how much later, having a strange deep thirst from within. But as soon as I opened my eyes I already noticed everything was different.

Everything was so... so... VIVID!

I looked around like a baby girl seeing the world for the first time. Colors were incredibly intense. The lights from the streets, though not any brighter than before, created shadows I could see in. I noticed every footprint of the workers here, almost able to see them in layers. Following their paths, their movements as if I could see in time for a moment. Hundreds of tracks, little details, grains of sand, so many lights, so many...

I closed my eyes.

I tried to gather my thoughts. Then the sounds came in. It wasn't as intense as my sight, at least not as forceful. I heard much much more than I did before. Here on the construction site everything seemed muffled, but I could easily hear some dogs barking in the distance, people talk, cars drive. Even the fast heartbeat of a cat walking on the edge of the site.


I suddenly realized I missed the sound and feeling of my own. Freaking out I placed my hand on my chest, trying to figure out what had happened. I barely even felt a heartbeat. Yet I did feel the blood flowing through my veins.

Did my skin seem lighter? I wasn't sure.

My tongue moved through my mouth as I felt the sharper corner teeth. Never that small to begin with, they had definitely become pointier. I mentally slapped my forehead in both disbelief and stupid realization.
