Sep 2007

Chapter 21A Lasting Dream

"Afentis!" I screamed as I woke up.

Khuna rose up looking at me wide-eyed and holding me. "What's wrong, what happened?"

I tried to get a grip on myself. My dreams, usually very vivid, seemed to have exploded in my head like true memories. I could remember everything as if I was there. The smell of soil, the burning of his blood. Yet I had a feeling it wasn't a dream. But it was starting to fade.

The dream faded away in my subconscious and everything became blurred and forgotten. Slowly I calmed down as all the terror, fear, surprise and wonder was washed away by nothingness. My breathing steadied and I closed my eyes again, a calm expression on my face.

"I... I'm alright now." I spoke softly. "It was a dream, a very strong one."

"What was it about?" Her voice was soft and caring, it warmed me.

"It was about... That's strange, I can't pull it back. But I know it when I'll feel it."

Khuna smiled and pulled me down next to her. "Still an hour or so to go. Come here."

I was wondering for a moment what Khuna might be thinking about me, but the drowsiness overtook me easily and pulled me back into a dreamless sleep. Erasing any trails of the previous dream and leaving my mind empty and peaceful. Nothing disturbed me as the sleep wrapped me in a blanket of soft emptiness.

Time passed.

We woke an hour or so later when sunset had passed. As we rose together we were very silent. I guess Khuna was quiet to not force her presence on my mind and I was quiet because I blushingly realized I slept together with a girl. It didn't feel wrong as such, just... You know. I never had any sisters and though I had jammy parties with nieces we didn't sleep in the same bed most of the time. Besides, I was much much younger then.

I felt below the bed and was glad to feel the book was still there. As I touched it flashes of the story and my lost dream passed my vision. It confused me but also helped me remember what had happened yesterday. I had a very strong feeling what I had dreamed and had read was connected. The same person even.

I suddenly remembered waking up with a scream. "What did I scream when I woke up?"

Khuna looked thoughtful. "I think something like Adona or Afentis..."

I nodded. "Afentis. It feels familiar somehow. I want Kai to find out what, if anything, it means. Now, get out of here so I may get some new clothes." I smiled and teasingly chased her out of my room. She giggled. I felt good.

After freshening up I went upstairs and found Khuna standing near Kai's chair. Empty of course.

She looked up at me. "Gone again, always the early riser."

I nodded and noticed the TV was off. "When would Valerie be up?"

Khuna shrugged. "Oh, probably in half an hour or so, she takes her sweet time sometimes." Smiling broadly.

"Who is Kryss?"

My innocent question stopped Khuna in her tracks. She looked at me with a mixed expression of anger and fear. "Why?"

"He feels important. I have a feeling I dreamed about him."

Khuna stayed silent until she reached a decision. "Alright. I'll give you a short talk about him. But you won't like it." She looked around. "But not here. Val and Kai don't like it when I talk about him."

I shrugged. "Then we go out? We could sit in a cafe or something." Wondering where the idea came from. "We could talk there quietly without being noticed."

Khuna smiled. "Alright, that's an idea. But after we go to the club." She took a good look at me. "Not bad. The mirror in your closet must have been helpful."

She walked over and wet her thumb to erase some lost lipstick from my lips that I probably applied a bit too enthusiastic. She was done in a moment and proudly looked at the result.

"Very nice. We'll make a woman out of you yet." She winked playfully.

We made ourselves ready to go until I thought of something. I was still wearing the bracelet but it wasn't what nagged at my mind.

"Give me a moment." I asked as I ran downstairs.

Valerie's room was still closed and the slow heartbeat she had was nigh inaudible through the thick door and walls. Little burden on my mind. I walked into my room and took the book from under the bed. I lifted the closet, surprised by how easy it was, and put the book, in one of the store-bags, under there. Even if they'd move the closet the old design would just keep the book underneath. It was safe here I felt.

It would have to do.

I went upstairs and smiled as I walked to the door.

Time for another night.