Sep 2007

Chapter 22A Different Dance

We walked outside and fell to the street again. It became easier each time. Although I still felt the rushing air as I fell as a gentle bliss. For a moment I was free of the earth. I really wished I would once be able to fly. I felt it was possible inside of me but just out of reach. As if I was in a dark prison and the light-switch was beyond the reach of my fingers.

Back to the streets.

We walked the streets into town again, both silent but smiling. We knew some strange things had happened but at the moment all seemed well. Thoughts on my missing dream and the story from the book still roamed my head. As did the name, 'Afentis'. I guess I'd figure it out eventually. I did make a mental note to talk to Valerie on her own tonight if I had the chance. There was still a question I wanted to ask her.

Khuna led us to a club that was very different from the one of last night. It was basically a very deep pub with loud music and a dance-floor part int he back. The people here seemed slightly older then the other pub last night. Perhaps two or three years older than me on average. The music was very different as well, a mix of Irish and Celtic folk music that seemed to be modernized. It wasn't bad.

Khuna smiled and gave me a poke. "Take your time here. There are much nicer boys around this time."

As I looked around it did seem as if there were a lot more responsible guys around. "I guess you're right."

Khuna gave me a little kiss on my cheek. "Take your time, we're in no rush. Talk with someone you like, enjoy it."

I nodded and saw her walk away into the crowd. I was curious what kind of guys she'd like. But in a way I liked how she gave me my space for this. Not pushing, not looking over my shoulder. Being a friend.

I walked around for a while until I saw a guy whose eyes just... I don't know... Seemed more interesting then any I'd seen so far. It was a kind of honest I hadn't seen often. He seemed kind of Asian but not completely. I wanted to walk over to him, but he walked over to me first.

He leaned over to almost whisper in my ears. "You have the most amazing eyes."

I blushed "Eh, thanks." It was about the same thing I thought of him and I just had that feeling he was being honest, not cheeky.

He smiled at my blush and bowed slightly. "I am Hitori, who might you be?"

I smiled back and felt relieved. "I'm Amy. And I'm curious if you're Asian?"

"Half, my mother is Japanese. She got the winning vote in my name though." He winked playfully.

I smiled and wanted to know more about him. I was pleasantly surprised to find someone who at least seemed intelligent and honest around here. It felt nice to talk to him, warm, fuzzy. But not pressing. Just a soft sensation of companionship.

"Shall we sit down somewhere?" He suggested and pointed to a corner bench not far from the dance-floor where some people looked like getting up.

"Alright, so tell me, what do you do?" I smiled as we walked towards the bench

"I'm a computer programmer but do a lot of stuff on the side. Like making music, drawing, photography, poetry and writing." He smiled as I stifled a teasing giggle about his nerdiness.

"Of course it just means I'm easily bored." And he laughed a little.

"Impressive boredom!" I laughed as well.

We waited for the two guys to move themselves somewhere else, but at last the bench was ours. Time moved on as we sat there, talking. We spoke about everything and nothing. The books he liked and I liked and their writers. Music, as he played keyboard and guitar and composed some melodies for himself. His voice was so warm and deep I loved listening to it. He asked me what I did and I just told him I was still at school. It didn't feel fair to have to tell such a lie. But I could hardly tell him I drank bl...

The thought snuck into my head that I still needed to feed. The thirst of blood rushed through my consciousness and brought me off balance. As I felt silent and turned into myself I suddenly felt lips pressed against mine. It was like a spark short-circuitting my brain.

When I opened my eyes he looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, you looked so tempting."

By reply I just kissed him back. Enjoying very much the feel of his lips against mine. I kissed again and opened my lips, and again. It didn't take long for our tongues to dance together. Almost to the beat.

I slowly kissed over his face towards his neck. Feeling both the sweet warmth of intensity as the smell of his skin and the longing for blood. I kissed a few more times and then pierced his skin. I felt him relax as I softly drank him. It was very intense. The blood was pure and almost felt like a stream of the most crystal clear smelt water. It filled me with warmth and a soft coolness. As if we were intimately embraced in a way that seemed not possible with such a monstrous gesture.

Unfortunately something went wrong.

Someone was pushed, and fell, against us. My teeth, still close to his skin, tore his neck quite badly. As if someone had cut it with a piece of glass. I slipped away from his neck completely, ending up on his lap mostly.

With his blood on my white clothes.

His blood.

Even in the horrible lighting of the club he could see there was blood on me and felt the pain in his neck. The person who was pushed against me apparently was a girl. She shrieked.


I got up and wanted to apologize. But his blood was still on my clothes. Possibly on my face as well, though I wasn't sure. Hitori was panicking and holding his hand against his neck to stop the bleeding. I felt a strong hand pulling my shoulder and I was afraid a bouncer or the owner was going to hand me to the cops.

I froze.

It was Khuna. "Come!" She dragged me along, stealing a jacket from one of the benches as we ran past. She pushed it into my hands and I managed to get it half-on before we even stepped outside. I zipped it up to cover up my soiled clothes.

Even some blood on my skirt. Thank god the jacked was long enough to cover it. We heard a siren in the distance. Police. Was it for us?

We ran.