Jan 2008

Chapter 129Of Salt and Earth

Afentis led us into the living room and sat down. Faith told him of what happened, focusing more on the nature of my memories than the mental blow I'd given her. Slowly my worries eroded into curiosity, as they so often did, listening with care to the words they exchanged.

"The strangest thing was the nature of her memories. When I tried to reach into her, all of them simply presented themselves. None of them held back or pushed away." Faith spoke with a hint of awe in her voice.

"Are you sure there weren't memories held back?" Afentis looked thoughtful.

"There were too many. All... there. I've never felt anything like it."

Afentis closed his eyes for a moment. "And she lashed out?"

Faith nodded. "With more force than I expected. I guess I did push a bit too hard to reach into her."

He nodded. "I suppose you did. Still, it's very surprising, in the least, she has that kind of force in her. Yet... I'm starting to understand why."

I looked up. "Why?"

"Perhaps another time I will speak my thoughts on this, Amy." He stood up slowly "It's been a long day for all of us. And Faith, please take a little more care next time. You could have hurt her." He smiled kindly, stood up and walked away.

He turned around just before he headed out. "Amy, I'll see if we can make that key tomorrow. Otherwise there are some other possibilities." With those words he stepped through the door and closed it behind him.

Faith smiled. "Not fair! He knows exactly who to blame." She winked at my surprised expression.

I giggled. "Yes, he does.. Time for bed?"

Faith simply nodded and stood up, giving me a small peck on my cheek. "It's alright."

"Sleep soundly, Amy. You're a very intriguing person."

She left me in the living room, where the silence was soft and kind. The faint echo of words just spoken, hung in the air as a reminder of the things said. Like shadows that would disappear as soon as you looked at them, they stayed just out of my range of hearing. With a happy sigh, I stood up as well, quite glad to visit my bed after all of this. My intense moment with Faith had given me a slight headache and had added to my tiredness. It felt alright though.

After the corridors, the door to my room was like a gateway into another world. The room was my safe haven in this castle, with it's many books and manuscripts. My wish to be among them again almost overflowed the knowledge Nuru was already there. I only opened the door after another deep breath, prepared to find her welcoming me and surprised when I found her fast asleep.

But where would I sleep?

The chairs looked comfortable, but not a proper place to sleep. The floor was too cold and uncomfortable and the desk wasn't much better. The bed was big enough, as such, to hold two people. And it had done before.

I still didn't feel comfortable laying down next to her though.

Was it the memory of Khuna or Hitori that kept me from simply undressing and sneaking underneath the blankets? A question that was left unanswered. I did undress, folding my clothes neatly before I got into bed. This time I made sure my underwear was still on, as I would feel much more uncomfortable sleeping next to her naked.

Secretly I was glad she was still wearing hers too.

The room was gently filled with the smells of the old ruins, her body carrying so many scents around with her. She was a rich and beautiful painting of nasal sensations.

It was thanks to the room of books, whose scents were subtle and mixed easily with hers. Her sweat, blood, skin and all the little things it carried with it, like grass, moss, sand and dust. They all welcomed me like old friends. It brought back some memories, climbing trees or reading books silently.

It made me smile.

I lay down next to her gently breathing form, smiling. She really was a treasure. I didn't know what to do with her or where to send her. But, I hoped she would be free to her own desires soon enough. A little sliver of pride, that I managed to protect her, must have crept in as I leaned over and kissed her neck softly. Enjoying the slightly salty taste of her skin.

Nuru spoke softly, her voice still like a thunder in my ears. "Thank you, Miss Amy."

"I hurt Faith." It was out before I realized.

"No, Miss Amy. It was only a reflex. A defense, not an attack. She hurt you first." She didn't turn around, leaving me the space to lay down.

"Thank you Nuru."

She didn't have to say anything for me to feel her smile. Her body simply emanated a thankful warmth that helped me feel at ease again.

She didn't turn around... For once I had to choose myself if I wanted to lay against her or stay separate. Hesitating like a little girl I crawled closer very gently until I was touching her body with only the lightest of touches. She didn't move but just let me, breathing gently. It was quite an experience to make this choice so consciously.

Her breathing slowly slowed down until she was sleeping again. My body slowly started dragging me along with her, the sleep calling me as an old welcome friend.

Something reminded me of all of them, Kai, Valerie, Hitori, Khuna...

My arm wrapped tighter around Nuru.

I missed them all.