Apr 2008

Chapter 192The Last Door

The people outside spread out, searching the grounds. It was my best chance to get into the house unnoticed, though I was well aware of the possible dangers of them returning. If only there was someone outside that would help keep them distracted.

Can't have it all I suppose.

My hands, though practically unhurt, did tingle a little from the fall and the excitement. I dropped off the roof, a very controlled fall this time, touching the ground with no more than a silent whisper of noise. The back door was unlocked... How could they be so stupid.

Or was I being stupid?

I shouldn't start thinking too deep, seeing traps everywhere. It would only serve to slow me down and keep me from helping Khuna and Valerie. Focus, Amy, Focus.

It was disconcerting to walk around uninvited in someone else's house. Both a sense of danger and misplacement taunted my senses, yet I had to go on. To Jason... To do...

To do what?

Part of me wanted simply to talk to him, to ask him about everything that had been going on. Another part of me wanted to destroy everything, destroy him. But that was the dark, deep part of me I usually didn't listen to. The problem was, however, how was I going to find out everything.

I walked through the rooms silently. Although most of them were outside now, Jason was still inside and I didn't want him to know I was here until I wanted to.

There were no camera's here at all. It was really odd. I didn't notice any other sensors either. Not even the ever-present smoke sensors. Really odd. You'd expect someone like that, who wants to be in control, to have several security measures in his house...

I hit my forehead.

Such a fool am I.

The fact that I can't see them doesn't mean they're not there. I surveyed the room I was in more in detail. There were cameras above the windows, pinhole camera's that needed no more than a shadow to hide in. Impossible to see from outside, but they could see me clear as day if they were using infra-red light.

Which they probably were.

So, if he was checking the camera's, he would have been expecting me. But considering I didn't hear any others and I doubted he would check the camera's every minute. I had some time.

Unless he had the money to make them motion sensitive.

Sometimes I hated the way I thought.

I hurried through the mansion, going to the library first, misjudging the room by only one door. It was almost surprising how much you could remember of a house if you just saw the outside, constructing your own floor plan bit by bit. The room next to the library wasn't very special either and it did explain a little why I misjudged it.

A broom closet.

Ashamed I moved to the next door, the entrance to the library type room I had seen from outside. Considering the sneaky security present here, my progress was either monitored by him or had gone unnoticed so far. Briefly I wondered if they had a silent alarm for the people outside. But they didn't, I'd listened now and then and could hear no other heartbeats in the house. Just two plus Khuna and Valerie.

Oddly enough, it was hard for me to place them from inside. Reaching out with the rest of my senses on full alert was somewhat... difficult. So, without hesitating I opened the door to the library, finding Jason, more or less as expected, standing in front of the window, looking out at the garden.

I opened the door and closed it behind me, silent enough that it shouldn't be noticed by most people. Then again...

"How nice of you to join us, no doubt you're friends with those downstairs?"

He turned around, his expression quite smug and secure.

"As you see, I've been expecting..."

His eyes grew with surprise as he saw me in the light. I hadn't said a word and knew my looks had slightly changed since I've turned. Not so much he wouldn't recognize me though...

"Amy? What are you doing here?"