These titles come from the "Why you'll love a Mac" page. It oddly contains some of the things that are 'wrong' with macs. This is also a bit of marketing bashing because Apple, next to making admittedly beautiful PCs, thrives on marketing. And I get rather tired of Apple Fans. Apple makes good stuff and they're pushing the market forward, which is good. But they also do way too much tie-ins and offer much less versatility to the users, compared to Linux/Windows.
Also, only bashing Microsoft gets boring.
Better than what? And they mostly last. Yes, mostly. There's plenty of cases where the hardware did fail and not every component is equally good. But you wouldn't know, as you can't open it.
Well, yes... It also comes with tons of software I don't care about, just like windows. Pure marketing dribble.
Which OS is that? BSD, Linux? Alright, in all fairness, the OS (or more specifically, the shell around it) they made is pretty solid. Most Mac's I've seen only need a reboot every month or so. And that is with 'non-savvy' users.
While the apple stores make MOST problems indeed a breeze, the help-desk (at least in this country) isn't impressive. Most suppliers have a very solid help-desk as well, again nothing special. - Also... Weren't you supposed to be "without problems" on a mac? Why do you need award-winning support Apple?
So does Open Office on every OS, for free... Next.
If it's new enough. They have the same incompatibility problems as Linux (most of the time). But it's good to know that if your printer isn't older than 3 years and uses USB and is a fairly common brand that it will work!
Yes it does. There are several viruses for OSX, and the number rapidly grows as the popularity of the OS does. Also newsflash Apple: Macs ARE PCs. PC stands for Personal Computer, no matter how much you want to deny it in your ads.
The newest apple computers, yes. So are the newest PC's. It's like saying: Your new car contains new tires, isn't that great?
[1]If you're willing to pay separate for a Microsoft Windows 7 license. And you can't do it while running OSX, you have to boot up seperate, so basically if you want to run Windows software, ie. most programs/games, you're buying a pretty screen with decent hardware.
I wonder how many people notice that this is not so much bashing on their quality as it is bashing on their insane and often inaccurate marketing strategies.