Nov 2007

Chapter 73About Weary Waking

When I woke I had two strange sensations. The first was the least surprising one, that I had been sleeping the whole day sitting upright. I didn't fall over, but I did lean a bit more into the wall I think. The other was the peculiar feeling of waking up next to Valerie. She was very different to feel compared to Khuna. Even her emotions felt different.

Wait... Emotions?

Going from a sleepy head to verifying a mental checklist I felt how my senses slowly became aware of what Valerie was dreaming and feeling. It wasn't a sharp image or anything, just hints and feelings. They had definitely become sharper though. I could even feel how she was slowly waking up, finally.

"Good evening sleepyhead." I giggled a little, all strife forgotten.

"M-My head hurts... Where am I?" She opened her eyes and glanced around. "Home? I dreamed the strangest things... but I haven't dreamed in years."

I nodded. "Yeah, we brought you home the night before last night. They gave you drugs."

She blinked, once or twice, then spoke quietly. "It was all real." Slowly it was all dawning on her. She looked at me. "You carried me up here." With admiration in her voice.

A nod and a smile from me. "Yes I did."

"Thanks." She still sounded weak. "I need blood."

She was looking very pale, unnaturally pale even. But I hoped it would just be seen as heavy make-up or something. I wanted to step out of bed but hesitated because I realized she was still naked underneath those sheets. Did she know that herself? I hoped she did, because I didn't want to offend her.

She stood up, holding the blanket to her body and wobbled slightly, as if still sleep-groggy. She walked to the dresser in her room and got some clothes without really paying attention to them. Fairly simple ones that looked decent enough. Slightly fascinated I kept looking, a bra, panties, another simple red dress with some gold trimmings. Matching heels.

She did look very presentable. That reminded me, I want to get more clothes and look..



It was Friday! Hitori was waiting for me!

"Val!" I only just realized, what a fool was I.

She looked around to me still sitting on the bed. "I have another date with Hitori today..." I hoped to make it sound apologetic.

Valerie giggled. "Let's not waste any time then. You need to feed as well." She pulled me from the bed and kissed my cheek. "You know, you've done a lot for me, thank you."

I blushed and smiled. "It was nothing really. Just don't scare us again like that."

She nodded and opened the door. Together we went upstairs and through the living room. Kai and Khuna were absent. Come to think of it I hadn't heard or seen Khuna since yesterday. I shrugged, she is probably having fun somewhere. We went outside and jumped down on the street, one after the other, both in silence. By a sort of unspoken agreement we went into town to something simple. Just a small evening disco thing for younger people. We didn't have any problem getting in, since the guys outside already whistled at us.

We got in and saw the sights. Cheap drinks, cheap jewelry, cheap pick-up lines and even cheaper make-up. The average age here was around fifteen or something as I was sure some girls were only thirteen or fourteen years old. Some guys too, well, boys really. I guess we had our veritable pick of the litter here.


Valerie grinned a little as we walked through the crowd. "Take your pick."

I shrugged and chose some guy that didn't look half bad. "I will." And I winked at her.

I went over to the guy and talked to him, his face was quite funny with the surprise of a girl - a girl! - actually stepping over to him. Althought, I surprised myself more with that realization than he did probably. I took him to a corner to 'make out' and bit him without much delay. I was gentle with him though, make it hardly felt and seem kind and sweet. I didn't want to hurt him because he looked like a guy who would at least make someone happy some time.

His blood... Well it was hard to describe. It tasted innocent of sort. He had never been with another girl, probably not even kissed. But it also lacked flavor... Feeling. As if he hadn't experienced much in his life. The dark sweet taste of blood wasn't as strong with his, neither did it feel very thick. Hardly any memories and sensations came with the blood this time. All dulled down.

I left him dazed on the couch we sat on, looking for Valerie. She had chosen a girl this time, flirting with her a little and only started to drink just after I found her. My head was too busy to really notice it, but that was fine. I didn't want to interrupt her privacy. Fortunatly I didn't have to. Valerie had taken her time but it passed so quickly. Walking through a cloud of all kinds of emotions. The people here were so chaotic. I decided to avoid a place like this from now one. Once was fine, but enough.

Valerie stood up and walked to me. "Now, let's get you to your lover."

I blushed. "He isn't." We both walked outside.

Valerie winked. "But you'd like him to be."

Did I?